Summer activities programme in Alta Ribagorça.
Exhibitions, courses and activities in the Aigüestortes National Park.
Guided tours.
Activities at the Pont de Suert Wildlife Centre.
Other activities: municipal swimming pools, fairs, fishing workshops and guided tours.
Activities 03 August de 2024
La cantant Belén Bandera, una de les veus emergents més actives del nostre territori, ens presenta una vetllada jazzística singular acompanyada per dos músics consagrats, el guitarrista Dani Pérez i el contrabaixista David Mengual. El seu so parteix d'un repertori basat en el jazz més tradicional per reinventar-lo a través d'una mirada jove i enèrgica.
The singer Belén Bandera, one of the most active emerging voices in our territory, presents a unique jazz evening accompanied by two established musicians, the guitarist Dani Pérez and the contrabaix player David Mengual. Their sound is based on a repertoire based on the most traditional jazz, reinventing it through a young and energetic point of view.
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