Activities | Alta Ribagorça

Activities 31 July de 2024

01 de May to 31 de October

Itinerari per descobrir el cel nocturn, aprendre a orientar-se amb els estels i conèixer els impacte de la contaminació lumínica en la biodiversitat.

Contacte: Pirineus Experience
Tel. 686 286 282

18 de June to 22 de August

18 July in Barruera: Krregades de romances (traditional music).
25th July in Boï: The Denim Rips (American Folk).
1st of August in Taüll: Lo belda and the Babadoc Folk ensemble and festival.
8th August in Erill el Valle: Café de alger (Mediterranean music).
15th August in El Plan de la Ermita: Dr Rumbeta (Catalan rumba).

21 de June to 01 de September

Ger Summer Swimming Pools - El Pont de Suert
Dates: From 22 June to 1 September 2024.
Services: bar-terrace, changing rooms, bicycle storage, table tennis, water polo and aquatic equipment for children.
Prices: 1 day ticket: 4€/ Family pack ticket 60€/ Adults 30€/ Children and +65 years old 20€.

25 de June to 06 de September

Summer camp - El Pont de Suert
Dates: 25 June to 9 August
Age: from P3 to 6th grade
Timetable: from 9h to 13:30h
Information and registration:

01 de July to 01 de September

Do you want to know why there are so many churches in the Vall de Boí from the same period of construction? Who commissioned the construction? Why? What functions did they fulfil? Discover the churches with us and we will explain you the exceptional values of the Romanesque ensemble declared World Heritage by UNESCO.

05 de July to 13 de October

Summer activities programme in Alta Ribagorça.
Exhibitions, courses and activities in the Aigüestortes National Park.
Guided tours.
Activities at the Pont de Suert Wildlife Centre.
Other activities: municipal swimming pools, gym, fishing workshops and fairs.

What do you want to do?
Enjoy the authentic Pyrenees

Patronat Comarcal de Turisme de l'Alta Ribagorça | Av. Victoriano Muñoz, 48 | 25520 El Pont de Suert | Tel. 973 69 04 02 |