Ruta de la Noguera Ribagorçana
Departure: El Pont de Suert
Arrival: Vilaller
Distance: 11,50 km
Time: 1h30'.
Difference in altitude: 300m
Easy route going up the course of the river Noguera Ribagorzana to the village of Vilaller. We can do it as far as the *Bliera campsite, in case we want to go there and back without going on asphalt.
To start the route we have to cross the river to the Aragonese side of Pont de Suert, the other side of the river and go up the main track heading north. You will come across the mountain bike route signs of the Montanuy mountain bike centre.
Once you arrive at the Baliera campsite, take the N260 towards Pont de Suert for 2 km. Before a bridge that crosses the river, we have to be attentive and turn left to Casa Quintana. There we take the signposted road back to Vilaller.