Visites guiades al conjunt d'esglèsies romàniques | Alta Ribagorça

Visites guiades al conjunt d'esglèsies romàniques

Monday, 1 July, 2024 (All day) to Sunday, 1 September, 2024 (All day)

Do you want to know why there are so many churches in the Vall de Boí from the same period of construction? Who commissioned the construction? Why? What functions did they fulfil? Discover the churches with us and we will explain you the exceptional values of the Romanesque ensemble declared World Heritage by UNESCO.

Guided tours
without prior reservation
During the busiest times of the year, we offer you our service of guided tours for individual visitors at predetermined times and in predetermined churches.

Tickets are purchased directly at the door of each church at the time of the guided tour (without prior reservation).
*During the guided tours the access in the churches will be restricted to the public user of this service.

-1 Church: 3€ + entrance fee
-900 years route: €5 + entrance fee

If you want to do more than one guided tour:
-Pack of 3 visits to choose from: 8€ + tickets
-Pack of 5 visits: 13€ + tickets

Route of the 900 years
900 years ago, the consecration of the churches of Sant Clement and Santa Maria de Taüll just one day apart shows us the importance of the place and demonstrates the power of the feudal lords and the church. Discover it with us with this new route specially designed to celebrate the birthday.
Meeting time and place - 11am at San Clemente de Taüll, without prior reservation (tickets on sale at the church).
Duration - 1h15 approx.

The visit includes the projection of the video mapping

What do you want to do?
Enjoy the authentic Pyrenees

Patronat Comarcal de Turisme de l'Alta Ribagorça | Av. Victoriano Muñoz, 48 | 25520 El Pont de Suert | Tel. 973 69 04 02 |