El Pont de Suert – Llesp
Total distance (km): 21,55
Incline: 595m
Approximate duration: 1h55
Degree of difficulty: medium, high and very high in some sections
El Pont de Suert (841 m)
Sant Salvador de Sarroqueta chapel (1436 m)
Llesp (940 m)
This route goes across the municipality of Pont de Suert. When you get near the village of Sarroqueta, stop and visit Sant Salvador de Sarroqueta chapel and enjoy the spectacular panoramic view before heading on and crossing Llesp. This itinerary will allow you to enjoy nature and the surrounding sceneries.
Km 0,00 El Pont de Suert (841 m). Depart from the New Church square (Església Nova) and take the N-230 road towards Vilaller.
Km 3,40 Casa Prades. Leave the N-230 road and take the right road to Sarroqueta (Km 126,3)
Km 5,10 Panoramic view on the right.
Km 6,20 Turn right at the junction and follow the dirt road.
Km 6,40 Go straight on, past the track on your right.
Km 6,70 Santa Maria de Sarroqueta chapel lies on your left.
Km 6,90 Panoramic view of Escales Dam.
Km 7,05 Take the path on the left and forget about the one on the right, which leads to Llesp and will be taken on the way back.
Km 8,20 Go past the path on the left and go straight.
Km 8,30 Go past the path on the right and go ahead through deep wheel tracks in a steep ascent.
Km 8,80 Get off the bike, walk about 350 metres up a steep slope until Sant Salvador de Sarroqueta chapel (1436 m), and enjoy the panoramic view: mountains of Turbón, Castanesa, Vallivierna, Aneto peak, Maladeta massif, Corronco de Durro peak, the villages of Llesp and Irgo, with its Gèmena mountain, and the valley of Noguera de Tor. After this short walk, get back on your bike until Llesp junction.
Km 7,05 Take a path on the left. This is the point where we had previously left the path on the right.
Km 7,25 Cattle fence.
Km 8,25 Cattle grid.
Km 8,85 Take the path on the right.
Km 9,05 Cross the cattle grid.
Km 9,45 Go on through the path on the left.
Km 10,45 Go straight, past the path on the left that leads to the water reservoir.
Km 10,55 Cross Vascullera ravine. There is no bridge to cross it.
Km 10,85 Continue on the right, past the path on the left that leads to the water reservoir.
Km 10,95 The asphalt track begins. Ride through the village of Llesp, go straight on, past the church on your left.
Km 11,95 Leave the village of Llesp and join the L-500 road towards Pont de Suert.
Km 16,05 At Tor junction, take N-230 towards Pont de Suert.
Km 17,35 El Pont de Suert (841 m). End of the route.