Maratón Alta Ribagorça
Start and finish: El Pont de Suert.
Distance: 112 km
Time: 10 h/12 h
Desnivell: 5800 m
Difficulty: Very High (black)
A great ride through the whole of the Alta Ribagorça region. If we decide to do it in two days, we recommend making a stop in Barruera or Durro, since it is in the middle of the route, if we decide to start it in El Pont de Suert. This route is full of variants, described in the previous routes. The fact of reaching an altitude of 2445 m, the route is limited to the season between June and October. It is necessary to make a good forecast of the weather on the day we decide to do this activity. This itinerary is the sum of part of the itineraries 2, 7, 12 and 16, with the introduction of the ascent to the Llevata pass that will take us to the Manyanet Valley. Vall indomitable that belongs to the Pallars Jussà, where the villages of Manyanet, El Mesull, Benés and La Mola de Amunt are located.com in the route 7, the end of the itinerary we can choose to go down from Viu de Llevata by the road, in case we do not want to do the variant of the trialera of the Faiada de Malpàs, remaining this way a route 100% pistera and easy technically except the Llevata Pass that is cross-country until finding the track of the Manyanet Valley.