Romanesque Route throught the Alta Ribagorça | Alta Ribagorça
Romanesque Route throught the Alta Ribagorça imatge

Romanesque Route throught the Alta Ribagorça

Alta Ribagorça preserves one of the most important groups of Romanesque churches in Europe. One of its main characteristics is the unity of its architectural style. They are constructions carried out during the 11th, 12th and 13th centuries, following the models coming from the north of Italy (Lombard Romanesque), characterised by the careful work of the stone, the slender bell towers and the exterior decoration of blind forks and Lombard bands. The mural painting ensembles housed in the churches of San Clemente and Santa Maria de Taüll and San Juan de Boí, as well as all the carvings produced by the Taller de Erill, and the innovative technique of video màpping applied to San Clemente de Taüll, are worthy of special mention.

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Patronat Comarcal de Turisme de l'Alta Ribagorça | Av. Victoriano Muñoz, 48 | 25520 El Pont de Suert | Tel. 973 69 04 02 |